Split Times for FIXBY AND BRADLEY WOODS - 15 Mar 2020 - Light Green

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Light Green - Split Times

3.7km 80m

Pos Name Age Class Time S S 1 126 2 85 3 95 4 132 5 102 6 109 7 88 8 92 9 90 10 98 11 108 12 103 13 104 14 100 15 128 16 96 F F
1st Elizabeth Parkinson
W21 00:48:15 00:00:00
00:01:27 (1st)
00:01:27 (1st)
00:05:15 (1st)
00:03:48 (1st)
00:09:08 (1st)
00:03:53 (1st)
00:10:53 (1st)
00:01:45 (1st)
00:14:08 (1st)
00:03:15 (2nd)
00:16:39 (1st)
00:02:31 (1st)
00:19:11 (1st)
00:02:32 (1st)
00:20:58 (1st)
00:01:47 (1st)
00:23:36 (1st)
00:02:38 (1st)
00:26:26 (1st)
00:02:50 (1st)
00:31:35 (1st)
00:05:09 (1st)
00:33:25 (1st)
00:01:50 (1st)
00:38:32 (1st)
00:05:07 (4th)
00:41:25 (1st)
00:02:53 (1st)
00:45:34 (1st)
00:04:09 (1st)
00:47:29 (1st)
00:01:55 (1st)
00:48:15 (1st)
00:00:46 (1st)
2nd Bill Griffiths
M65 01:02:32 00:00:00
00:01:55 (2nd)
00:01:55 (2nd)
00:06:01 (2nd)
00:04:06 (2nd)
00:10:17 (2nd)
00:04:16 (3rd)
00:12:57 (2nd)
00:02:40 (3rd)
00:18:46 (2nd)
00:05:49 (5th)
00:23:05 (2nd)
00:04:19 (5th)
00:26:23 (2nd)
00:03:18 (3rd)
00:30:22 (2nd)
00:03:59 (4th)
00:34:04 (2nd)
00:03:42 (4th)
00:37:45 (2nd)
00:03:41 (3rd)
00:45:03 (2nd)
00:07:18 (3rd)
00:47:22 (2nd)
00:02:19 (2nd)
00:49:35 (2nd)
00:02:13 (2nd)
00:53:09 (2nd)
00:03:34 (3rd)
00:58:44 (2nd)
00:05:35 (3rd)
01:01:19 (2nd)
00:02:35 (2nd)
01:02:32 (2nd)
00:01:13 (5th)
3rd Fiona Baines
W45 01:12:25 00:00:00
00:02:40 (3rd)
00:02:40 (3rd)
00:07:49 (3rd)
00:05:09 (4th)
00:12:04 (3rd)
00:04:15 (2nd)
00:15:45 (3rd)
00:03:41 (4th)
00:21:10 (3rd)
00:05:25 (4th)
00:24:58 (3rd)
00:03:48 (3rd)
00:28:55 (3rd)
00:03:57 (4th)
00:33:16 (3rd)
00:04:21 (5th)
00:36:31 (3rd)
00:03:15 (2nd)
00:40:46 (3rd)
00:04:15 (4th)
00:47:45 (3rd)
00:06:59 (2nd)
00:50:34 (3rd)
00:02:49 (3rd)
00:54:47 (3rd)
00:04:13 (3rd)
01:01:24 (3rd)
00:06:37 (4th)
01:08:22 (3rd)
00:06:58 (4th)
01:11:22 (3rd)
00:03:00 (4th)
01:12:25 (3rd)
00:01:03 (4th)
4th Caroline Cope
W45 01:20:25 00:00:00
00:10:10 (5th)
00:10:10 (5th)
00:20:30 (6th)
00:10:20 (5th)
00:26:54 (6th)
00:06:24 (5th)
00:32:19 (6th)
00:05:25 (5th)
00:35:29 (5th)
00:03:10 (1st)
00:39:19 (5th)
00:03:50 (4th)
00:45:01 (5th)
00:05:42 (5th)
00:47:59 (5th)
00:02:58 (3rd)
00:51:30 (4th)
00:03:31 (3rd)
00:55:00 (4th)
00:03:30 (2nd)
01:03:35 (4th)
00:08:35 (4th)
01:06:26 (4th)
00:02:51 (4th)
01:08:36 (4th)
00:02:10 (1st)
01:12:04 (4th)
00:03:28 (2nd)
01:16:33 (4th)
00:04:29 (2nd)
01:19:27 (4th)
00:02:54 (3rd)
01:20:25 (4th)
00:00:58 (2nd)
5th Carole Firth
W75 02:10:51 00:00:00
00:04:19 (4th)
00:04:19 (4th)
00:14:55 (4th)
00:10:36 (6th)
00:21:34 (5th)
00:06:39 (6th)
00:31:24 (5th)
00:09:50 (6th)
00:39:20 (6th)
00:07:56 (6th)
00:46:05 (6th)
00:06:45 (6th)
00:52:26 (6th)
00:06:21 (6th)
00:57:14 (6th)
00:04:48 (6th)
01:03:17 (5th)
00:06:03 (5th)
01:11:43 (5th)
00:08:26 (5th)
01:28:22 (5th)
00:16:39 (5th)
01:32:38 (5th)
00:04:16 (5th)
01:39:24 (5th)
00:06:46 (5th)
01:53:21 (5th)
00:13:57 (5th)
02:04:39 (5th)
00:11:18 (5th)
02:08:27 (5th)
00:03:48 (5th)
02:10:51 (5th)
00:02:24 (6th)
  Brian Mellor
M75 m9-15 00:00:00
00:10:55 (6th)
00:10:55 (6th)
00:15:25 (5th)
00:04:30 (3rd)
00:20:16 (4th)
00:04:51 (4th)
00:22:20 (4th)
00:02:04 (2nd)
00:25:54 (4th)
00:03:34 (3rd)
00:29:11 (4th)
00:03:17 (2nd)
00:32:24 (4th)
00:03:13 (2nd)
00:34:46 (4th)
00:02:22 (2nd)

00:01:01 (3rd)